
Love My Grandmother - Tuk Tuk Advert. New Delhi.

The train trip from Delhi to Jaipur was like watching an 8 hour movie. What an insight into life on the tracks. Life here is so difficult. The problems are so big it’s difficult to see how to solve them. Even a simple question like where do you put your rubbish? is a huge problem when you have 1.4 billion people.

Following the track-towns there were hundreds of miles of flat, yellow fields all producing vegetable oil.

These are a some vignettes I took en-route.

Berlin - Underground / Overground

Getting ready for my presentation on the 6th September at Brighton and Hove Camera Club means I have been going through quite a few photographs - and enjoying finding new images that have yet to be edited. Today I revisited the Berlin folder and found some new images from a city that never fails to inspire me.